My ongoing project, Women of Faith was born in early 2017 after Muslim women and mosques were attacked in many parts of the US and Jewish cemeteries were vandalized in Philadelphia, St. Louis and in Indiana. Islamophobia and anti-semitism were on the rise in the United States and in Europe, especially in my home country, Hungary. These attacks on innocent people, on their homes of worship and burial grounds made me think about the basis of all religions, which is love of God and love of the human kind. When we concentrate on recognizing familiarity and similarity among each other, we can connect and forget about our differences. It is hard to hate someone when we get to know them. Women of Faith is a series of tintype images of women who cover their head for religious purposes. Veil, hijab, kippah, turban or headscarf all serve the same purpose: to be modest, to connect with God, and to express belonging. This black and white process from the 1860s allows me to create one-of-a-kind, handmade images of these beautiful women.